

Monday, January 26, 2015

Why You Should Avoid Sugar At All Cost

Of course I'm not talking about putting a spoon of white sugar into your mouth and swallow it. Lots of foods are contain of sugar as you know. Perhaps I make it more clear on the type of foods that you will absorb sugar into your body as you consume them.
  • Sweets/Candy
  • Chocolate
  • Ice cream
  • Flavored Drinks (Canned/Bottled fruit juice/tea, soft drinks, Chatime, Mamak Teh, etc)
  • Cake
  • Bread with cream
  • Honey
  • Sweetener(For coffee or other drinks)
  • Biscuit/Cookies
  • Sauces/Gravy (Such as pasta gravy, adding extra sauce for cooking food)
  • Junk Food

You might wonder, are those foods & drinks with the label "sugar free" counted in the list above? I say yes. I don't have any specific information if there is any pieces of sugar in it but it's better you avoid rather than risking it.

Before I talk about why you should avoid sugar at all cost, here's something you need to know or you already know: Sugar is essential for our body. It's not something that you must eliminate at all cost because sugar do all harm to our body and the only benefits is, we feel better and more enjoy on the food we consume. However, I still say you should avoid at all cost because you will consume extra sugar anyway.

You face the risks of consuming extra sugar if we take outside food often. You see, can you find any restaurant, cafe or food out there that are tasteless but they ensure you it's healthy? Such business idea probably exist but couldn't last because people want food that has lots of taste. As you consume food out there (as long as not self-prepared and ensure no single piece of sugar is added), sugar will be part of the food that you consumed. That's how you consume sugar without realizing it.

There is one thing for commoners like you and me MUST know. Our body can only accept approximately 40 grams of sugar on a daily basis, which is like 9 teaspoon of sugar. Sounds like shouldn't be easy to exceed the limit? It's actually the other way round: too easy to exceed the limit, under the condition that you don't realize it.

Look at the list of food above, how hard for you to consume any of it? The moment you recall consuming it recently, you are consuming unmeasurable amount of sugar into your body. The more variety of food you consume from the list above, the higher sugar amount you had consumed. As you may know, the food above are sugar with high sugar. How high is high? How much you consume on the list above will exceed the limit? No one knows because you can't measure the sugar intake by each bite, slice or pieces. But the more variety of food you consume, the nearer you are to the limit.

What happen when you exceed the limit of sugar your body can accept? The extra sugar will flow into your blood because your body system is burdened with too much of sugar, and don't know how to handle them. To-cut-all-scientific-explanation-here-and-there, in short, it causes all sort of health problems like diabetes, cancer.... and you-know-what.

In summary, this is why you must avoid sugar at all cost as you will eventually consume unmeasurable amount of sugar as you eat.

On the info below, I also like to clear some doubts for those who might have misleading information somewhere about certain food that contain of sugar, which specifically cover why this food contain sugar, why food company want to include sugar.... and so on.

Foods with extra sugar and Why

Honey is healthy in many ways, and good at the moment you put into your mouth, slide down the throats, until it reach your stomach. Why add sugar in this wonderful elixir? Because "real" natural honey is not sweet. I got no chance to taste real honey but it's kinda like bitter and not easy to put into our mouth. This is sugar is needed when honey being processed so that when consumer take honey, they more willingly to consume it when it's sweet.

Flavored Candy
It's basically two things: sugar and artificial flavoring. The orange candy got nothing from real orange. Just the fake taste. So don't bother to think that taking orange candy can provided you any Vitamin C. Same for any candy with food flavor. Remember, it's just "flavor".

Flavored Beverages
This includes bottled/canned fruit juice, soft drinks, milk, yoghurt, and drinks from the proclaimed-healthy-drinks stall or business. Milk and yoghurt also consists of sugar? Yes and it's quite high because natural milk and yoghurt, just like honey, can't be easily consumed due to its natural taste. This is why food producer need to make sure their consume can accept the taste by adding more taste into it.

Fruit juice are naturally contain of their own taste, why sugar need to be added? Mainly for two reasons: for more taste, and to make it more drinkable by most people. Adding more taste is like making apple juice more sweet but definitely not natural sweetness, the fruits itself can't always be sweet, so sugar need to be used to ensure the sweetness; Certain fruit juice need to be made more drinkable, because some natural squeezed fruit juice is not sweet, and it's really hard to be acceptable by some or most people. Like orange juice that is sour in natural.

Drinks that produced with the advertising idea that provide health benefits are usually not healthy here. The moment they add some pinch of sugar into the drinks, the bad health impact immediately cover the healthy side. And you need to consider how "real" is their ingredient. Imagine you order green tea or tea, are they using actual tea leaves to make the drinks? Usually they use powder that has the tea flavor, so it's only narrow down to two things: It's processed powder that you have no idea what is inside the powder, and it's only flavoring.

Ice cream/Bread with cream/*Anything* cream
Same like most of the food above, cream itself is not sweet. But ice cream, bread or any food that has cream but not sweet is not normal here. This is why, again, sugar~

It is sweet, and making things more sweet. That's why.

You don't usually take cookies that are only salty without any sweetening stuff. Most biscuits are full of butter and flour, but there are lots of biscuits with the dressing of jam and sugar glaze make them really sweet.

Sauces/Gravy used for cooking
You might not find much sauce or gravy that are sweet, or you don't taste anything sweet at all. Do bear in mind that not all sugar are used as the main source of the taste, some of the good usage is to covered up certain taste and make certain taste better. So you might not taste anything sweet but doesn't know if its contain of sugar until you read the package label.


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